Hey Guys Hope you good at this pandemic welcome to the brand new blog, without any further discussion lets get into the topic. Our Agenda consists of
- What is Forward Proxies
- What is Reverse Proxies
- Difference between Forward and Reverse Proxies
- LoadBalancer vs ReverseProxy
What is Forward Proxies ?
A forward proxy lets you send a connection request and retrieves the original data from a website.
Forward Proxies are simply called “Web Proxy” which we are all using to access the geo-blocked sites. It just changes our IP Address and access our desired site without alerting the Firewall. It is mostly used by clients to protect themselves from firewalls.
Use Cases:
- Anonymity
- Web Scraping
What is Reverse Proxies ?
Reverse Proxies are used by Orgainzations. Reverse proxies control access to a server on a private network. They can encrypt and decrypt data, perform authentication tasks, cache information, and act as load balancers.
A reverse proxy can perform authentication tasks, cache, or Decrypt data. It provides anonymity for Backend servers, not clients.
They can serve as the front-facing part of your website, adding security and flexibility to the site. As clients can only access your network through a reverse proxy, it keeps out malicious attacks.
Use Cases:
- Load balancing
- Security
- Speed
Difference between Forward & Reverse Proxies ?
Actually you cant compare forward and reverse proxies. both are completely different. Forward proxies only processes or forwards the request from the clients to servers. On the other-end Reverse Proxies are used by server which includes load balancing , Caching, authenticating tasks and encrypted connection between clients and servers.
Load Balancers vs Reverse Proxies
What is Load Balancing ?
Consider you have a web-server with huge amount if clients in it (Eg. Instagram). Clients across the globe access your site. In such a case if more amount of requests without proper balancing can lead to catastrophe which leads to a huge loss of money , resources. To avoid this kinda thing LoadBalancers play a vital role in it.Simply load balancers evenly distributes the requests between the servers.
Difference between LoadBalancers & Reverse Proxies
Load balancers are a must-have solution for websites that use multiple servers to handle a massive volume of requests. They distributes evenly to avoid to single point of failure. Load Balancers detects the server (Group of servers) which goes down and distributes among functioning servers.
Reverse Proxies: It is an ideal solution when you have a single web-server with load balancing, Encryption and decryption of communication between them , Caching & authentication and improves the performance graph of the site.